Energy & Industry

Industrial Development Support

We provide geotechnical and environmental support for industrial clients planning to develop new facilities or expand or renovate existing infrastructure. We have the geotechnical experience to handle industrial development on challenging sites, and we can help clients anticipate and navigate regulatory concerns. Through a combination of technical capabilities, we give our clients the information they need to make smart long-term business decisions for their companies.

Environmental Permitting

In today’s regulatory environment, most industrial development projects require integrated federal, state, and local permitting. GeoEngineers’ permitting professionals are here to help you create and implement realistic strategies that apply rigorous science for optimal regulatory compliance.

  • Strategic project management, including regulatory strategy planning, agency consultation, environmental assessment and compliance assurance, public involvement, expert witness and impact fee negotiations.
  • Development permits, including building and demolition, stormwater, clearing and grading, floodplain and shoreline development, land use and zoning, utility easements, landfills, waste impounds and permitting for aquatic leasing and air modeling.
  • Environmental permits, including critical areas ordinances, EIS, NPDES and state discharge, dangerous/hazardous waste, NEPA/SEPA, CAA, Coal Combustion Residuals and FERC compliance.
  • Natural resource permitting, including Endangered Species Act (ESA) compliance, fisheries and hydraulic projects, water rights, water quality and forest practice approvals.
Ground-Improvement Program Design

GeoEngineers uses a combination of methods to improve soil stability, including the design and installation of drains and various preloading strategies. We specialize in ground-improvement programs in soft soil and earthquake-prone areas. Our Performance-Based Engineering Team performs seismic analyses and numerical modeling in soft soils, karst regions, and earthquake-prone areas to predict the interaction between soil and foundation structures during specific types of seismic events. We’ve developed ground-improvement programs for a wide range of energy and industrial clients, including one of the largest ground-improvement projects on the West Coast.

Foundation Design

Our geotechnical engineers design shallow and deep foundations for industrial facilities and associated infrastructure. We provide geotechnical designs, exploration, slope stability and buoyancy analyses, laboratory testing and engineering services for a range of structures including meter stations, large compressor stations, equipment skids and designs and hydrotesting for large-diameter storage tanks.

Environmental Site Assessments

We help energy and industrial clients understand and mitigate their risk by thoroughly investigating the overall ecological health of a property, both developed and undeveloped, and the impact of potential site changes.

Critical Areas Assessments

GeoEngineers’ experts regularly perform critical areas assessments to evaluate the environmental, human and infrastructure risks at critical sites. Critical areas are typically defined by local or regional authorities, and include sites that are flood-prone, impacted by industrial byproducts, geologically hazardous, critical to a water supply, or important to conservation efforts.

Trenchless Design

Over the past 25 years, GeoEngineers has completed more than one million feet of trenchless design engineering and construction projects, installed by horizontal directional drilling (HDD), Direct Pipe®, microtunneling, Earth Pressure Balance Machine (EPBM) tunneling, and auger bore and jack. We pioneered permitting and design for trenchless projects crossing beneath US Army Corps of Engineers-regulated levees. This expertise is recognized worldwide and has made our firm a leader in geotechnical site characterization studies and HDD design for pipeline crossings. For more on our expansive trenchless services, visit our Pipeline Practice Page.

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