Sean Kounovsky


Staff Water Resources Engineer

I’ve always been drawn to the complex challenges and importance that surround water. Being able to work with water and solve some of these problems is the perfect challenge for me.


  • 2022


  • Seattle, WA

Sean is a river engineer, and healthy rivers are his specialty. Over the past few centuries, human development has impacted most of the river systems around us. Artificial stream channels cause erosion and damage property, narrow culverts block fish from accessing upstream habitat, and historical floodplains are now parking lots. Sean works with GeoEngineers’ river team to address these and other issues on behalf of local governments, tribes, and departments of transportation.

“I love being able to provide a direct benefit to the health of the natural world around me,” Sean says. “I used to play in the little stream behind my house growing up and have been drawn to rivers ever since.”

Eventually, Sean decided to turn his passion for rivers into a career. He graduated from Oregon State University in 2019 with a degree in ecological engineering and a focus on river engineering. River systems are as complex as they are vital—a perfect challenge for Sean.

“I’ve always been fascinated with the importance of rivers throughout the world, with so much life depending on them,” Sean says. “Nothing is better than a day on the river!”

Before joining GeoEngineers, Sean worked as an environmental engineer for several years. The position broadened Sean’s remediation experience, as he spent most of his time focusing on cleaning up contaminated soil, water, and air. GeoEngineers welcomed Sean in 2022.

In his free time, Sean is usually either playing or watching sports. “The combination of games, competition and physical activity has always been a love of mine,” Sean says. “Go Seattle Storm!”

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