Pat Malone


Group Leader, Associate Environmental Engineer

I love to push the envelope. Just because no one has done something a certain way before, that doesn’t mean no one should try.


  • 2021


  • Boston, MA*


Pat is an environmental engineer focusing on development and redevelopment work in Greater Boston. As an associate, he manages staff and works closely with our clients to help them navigate complex environmental regulations. Pat is also a Licensed Site Professional (LSP), which qualifies him to work within the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) and makes him an expert in the state’s unique environmental cleanup system.

Pat leans on his years of practical experience in the field to characterize contaminants in soil, groundwater or air, and then design efficient remediation and mitigation strategies to address them. He is used to working in the fast-paced and complex Boston development market. Pat helps guide clients through every step of a project—from site assessments and due diligence to permitting and final construction.

In addition to his technical experience, we rely on Pat’s leadership. He runs projects, manages staff and works closely with our clients. Pat has been active in the Urban Land Institute for years and serves on several committees in the Boston/New England chapter. A self-described people person, Pat looks forward to meeting and working with new clients and teaming partners.

When he’s not getting his hands dirty in some Boston soil, you might find Pat enjoying some beers with friends, or outside playing hockey or mountain biking. Most of all, he loves simply spending time with his family, watching his kids grow and discover the world around them.


Malone, P., Pinto, P., Shea, D., “Non-Traditional VI: Assessment and Mitigation of a Residential Multi-Family Building.” AEHS 36th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water, and Energy, Amherst, MA, October 2020.

Malone, P., “Identifying and Managing Impacts of Point and Non-point Source Pollution on Surface Water Quality”, presented at the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), November 19, 2014.

Selected Project Experience

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