Michael August
Senior GIS Systems Analyst
- 2013
- Seattle, WA
Michael supports geologists, engineers and other GeoEngineers scientists with maps, data visualization and database management. His work can take place in the office, through web-based applications, or in the field on a mobile device.
Michael, who has worked as a project geologist, environmental consultant and GIS specialist in the Puget Sound area, brings eight years of experience to GeoEngineers. It was in an undergraduate geology class that he realized he could combine the outdoors, computer science and technology into an exciting career. “I’ve always been attracted to technology, earth and art. I feel that the cartography and geospatial work I do represents the intersection of all three of these,” he says.
When the weather allows, Michaels enjoys being in the outdoors. This is particularly true when his camping, fishing, biking and hiking adventures include his kids and wife. When it’s raining, he opts for staying in, playing board games, creating art or reading.