Joe Callaghan


Natural Resources Discipline Lead, Principal Environmental Scientist

I love my work because my work involves the things I love. I get to hike, dive and explore the natural world while on the clock.


  • 2003


  • Tacoma, WA

As an avid outdoorsman who grew up on a farm, Joe aspired to a career where he could apply his passions for the natural world. Being a biologist fits that bill, he says. “I love my work because my work involves the things I love. I get to hike, dive and explore the natural world while on the clock.”

Joe is a group leader at GeoEngineers who mentors younger staff and develops new business and client relationships. His technical work and advising are focused on aquatic systems: streams, wetlands and marine near-shore habitats and the species that occupy those habitats. Joe does local, state and federal permitting work and habitat design in support of mitigation or restoration projects.

Describing his work, Joe explains, “I enjoy helping people and solving problems. If a client comes to me with a problem, I will go the extra mile to find a solution that not only solves the problem, but also takes into consideration other factors such as functionality, aesthetics and the bottom line. Solving problems holistically provides long-term solutions and not just a quick fix.”

The Indianola estuary restoration project provides a good example of Joe’s tenacity. “This project was politically charged, but my persistence in lobbying the agencies, public and stakeholders kept the project moving forward, resulting in the successful restoration of critical estuary habitat,” he recounts.

It’s often hard to tell when Joe’s work ends and his fun and leisure begin, he says. He likes playing sports, camping, hiking, boating, fishing, golf, fishing and golf; not necessarily in that order.

Selected Project Experience

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