Courtney Dias

CAD Designer

I’m a visual wizard of dirty dirt and where to find it.


  • 2021


  • Boston, MA*


We rely on talented CAD designers like Courtney to analyze site data and then represent our sites visually. Courtney combines art and engineering to tell the story of our projects in a way that everyone from clients to regulatory agencies can understand.

“I may not be able to write you a story, but I can paint a good picture,” Courtney says.

Courtney specializes in CAD for geotechnical engineering and environmental science and has years of experience in the North East’s construction industry. From a young age, Courtney has been fascinated by construction work.

“I’ve always loved watching tower cranes and learning how things work,” Courtney says. “Give me a choice between a Tonka Truck and a Barbie; I will choose the Tonka every time.”

When she can’t get her hands on a Tonka truck, Courtney likes to spend her free time playing video games, quoting movies, perfecting her English accent, painting miniature figures, completing DIY projects and nerding out over innovative organizational solutions. Courtney and her two rescue dogs also like to explore the world’s mysteries through hiking, travel—and even some paranormal investigations!

Selected Project Experience

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