Bo Zhang

Ph.D., PE

Project Geotechnical Engineer

One of the most challenging and fun parts of being a geotechnical engineer is the ability to come up with creative solutions from the variabilities and uncertainties of soil and rock masses.


  • 2018


  • Redmond, WA

Bo is one of our resident seismic experts, and his whole career has been driven by his desire to help protect people from the threat of natural disasters. He performs fieldwork, observes construction on behalf of our clients, and prepares seismic hazard analyses.

During his Ph.D. work at the University of Oklahoma, Bo specialized in finite element modeling of the static and dynamic behaviors of saturated and unsaturated porous media and compacted soil structures. These modeling skills are essential when using a performance-based engineering approach to deliver high-confidence but cost-effective seismic standards to our clients.

“Geotechnical engineering is a fascinating discipline, because I can solve technical or practical problems and know that my contribution has a tangible impact on the society in which we live,” Bo explains.

Outside of work you might find Bo spending time with his family—especially outside—and jogging every morning when the Pacific Northwest weather cooperates. On the weekend he likes to relax with a movie or by watching a soccer match.

  • Zhang, B., Muraleetharan, K.K. and Liu, C., 2016. Liquefaction of unsaturated sands. International Journal of Geomechanics, 16(6), p.D4015002.
  • Zhang, B., and Muraleetharan, K.K., 2018. Liquefaction of Level Ground Unsaturated Sand Deposits Using a Validated Fully Coupled Analysis Procedure. International Journal of Geomechanics, 18(10), p. 04018118.

Selected Project Experience

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