NRP Leaders to Speak at Waterfront & Waterways Symposium

Ken Fellows and Joe Callaghan, two natural resource and planning group (NRP) leaders at GeoEngineers, will speak at the National Working Waterfronts & Waterways Symposium in Tacoma (WA) March 25-28. The event, sponsored by Washington/Oregon Sea Grant Programs, is the third national symposium on issues related to working waterfronts.

Associate Biologist Joe Callaghan, PWS will participate in an expert panel on the topic, “Integrating Public Access and Habitat into the Design of Working Waterfronts.” Jim Brennan and Reid Middleton staff members Shannon Kinsella and Willy Ahn will share the stage with Joe. GeoEngineers and Reid Middleton have recently worked together on many projects, including the Port of South Whidbey Langley Small Boat Harbor expansion project they will describe during this panel discussion.

Principal Engineer Ken Fellows, PE will present the paper, “Derelict Creosote Piles and Structures: Problem or Opportunity?” In is presentation, Ken will summarize the latest issues related to removing and preserving creosote-laden structures and piles from working waterfronts. For example, the Ruston Way waterfront in Tacoma has over 2000 derelict creosote piles. Ken will explain the complex cultural, environmental, regulatory and economic challenges these derelict structures present and will describe typical structure removal costs, existing programs and available funding.

Ken is determined to bring this environmental situation to the attention of waterfront stakeholders and regulators who will attend the symposium. He said, “Time is of the essence to remove these derelict piles and structures soon. Each creosote-treated pile contains about sixty gallons—500 pounds—of creosote. Removing these old piles before they deteriorate further represents an opportunity to remove this creosote from the environment. Once a pile falls to the sea bed, there is very little chance it will ever be recovered, and the entire 500 pounds of creosote ultimately will be released to pollute water and sediments.”

For more information about the symposium, visit the National Working Waterfronts and Waterways Symposium website.

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