GeoEngineers is Top 50 Trenchless Firm for 11th Straight Year

GeoEngineers ranks 25th on Trenchless Technology’s list of the Top 50 Trenchless Design Firms of 2018. The annual ranking is based on total reported trenchless project billings in North America. As one of the top trenchless firms in the United States, GeoEngineers has made the list consistently for the past 11 years.

Over the past decade, GeoEngineers has invested heavily in trenchless technology expertise and emerged as an industry leader—especially for projects associated with critical infrastructure (such as dams or levees) that are regulated by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Pipeline Business Unit Leader Mark Miller attributes the ongoing success to a combination of factors.

“Our success is really thanks to a focus on relationship-building and technical excellence,” Miller said. “We work hard to understand the needs of our oil and gas clients, and to maintain a close working relationship with regulators like the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). It takes diligence to stay on top of the rapidly evolving regulations which apply to tricky trenchless crossings under USACE-regulated levees. But the work pays off, and when the stakes are high, our team gets it right.”

Trenchless technology describes any of a number of methods of installing underground lengths of pipe without digging a traditional surface trench. These techniques, including horizontal directional drilling (HDD), are most often used when surface obstacles like rivers, buildings or roadways make a traditional installation impossible. To learn more about this and other GeoEngineers pipeline services, check out our Pipeline Page.

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