Join Us for the Fifth Annual Environmental Data Management Conference: May 13-14

GeoEngineers is co-sponsoring the Fifth Annual International Conference for Environmental Data Management (ICDEM) near Portland, OR, on May 13-14. The two-day conference provides environmental data management professionals with an opportunity to share ideas, tools and custom applications, brainstorm and collaborate on data workflow and present data management success stories.

The conference was founded in 2010 by GeoEngineers Data Solutions Architect Dan Higgins, RG and has evolved into an international grass-roots meet-up where the content is provided by other participants with the idea of learning from each other. Higgins and his co-organizer, Sarah Wright of de Maximas Data Management Solutions, Inc., are excited about the pre-scheduled slate of presentations and the likely discussions they’ll spur in the roundtable and open discussion forums.

The conference will be held at the historic McMenamins Edgefield just outside of Portland, a destination resort in the Pacific Northwest. Attendance is limited to 50 people. Register here

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