HDD Feature Published in Trenchless Technology Magazine

Principal Geotechnical Engineer Mark Miller recently published a feature article in Trenchless Technology magazine’s 2021 HDD Guide, the leading trenchless engineering publication in the United States. The feature explains how engineers can reduce risks in their Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) projects through thoughtful planning and preparation.

The magazine’s managing editor asked Mark to write the feature after finding one of his presentations on HDD planning and design here on GeoEngineers’ website. Mark’s piece outlines the most essential steps to carefully design and manage an HDD project.

  1. Gather and review historical data on the site.
  2. Perform a site reconnaissance to verify boring locations and staging areas.
  3. Complete a geotechnical site investigation.
  4. Consider the risks for inadvertent returns and mitigate them.
  5. Finalize the design and geometry based on field data and risk considerations.
  6. Estimate pipe stresses and evaluate them during construction.

Head over to Trenchless Technology to read the rest of Mark’s HDD wisdom in the full feature. Mark is always ready to chat about trenchless technology or answer questions, just contact him through his bio page.

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