Greenroads Award Salutes GeoEngineers’ Sustainability Efforts

GeoEngineers, Inc. was honored with the Greenroads Foundation’s first Vanguard Award, acknowledging GeoEngineers as the private organization that participated in the most Greenroads projects in 2011. The award was announced by Jeralee Anderson, Greenroads Executive Director, at the organization’s first annual Director’s Awards and anniversary reception.

The Greenroads Foundation is a non-profit, third-party corporation established in 2010 to manage certification reviews for roadway and bridge projects, using the Greenroads™ Rating System for the design and construction of new, reconstructed or rehabilitated roads and bridges.

Greenroads has identified 11 minimum sustainable-practice requirements and rates additional practices incorporated into project designs. Each sustainable practice above the minimum is assigned a point value according to its impact on roadway sustainability. When a project has fulfilled all of Greenroads’ requirements and achieved a Greenroads rating, the project owner may apply to the Greenroads Foundation for one of four levels of Greenroads certification: Certified, Silver, Gold or Evergreen.

In 2011 GeoEngineers participated in three Greenroads-certified projects and a University of Washington Greenroads Pilot project. Greenroads staff has confirmed GeoEngineers’ involvement in the following projects:

  • City of Tacoma, Alaska Street 56th to 72nd Street Improvements
  • City of Oak Harbor, SE Pioneer Way Improvements (Silver certification pending)
  • City of Bellingham, Meador Kansas Ellis Trail, Pedestrian Bridge (certified Silver}
  • City of Ocean Shores, Tonquin Avenue Bridge (pilot project)

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