GeoEngineers Staff Volunteer to Support Environmental Non-Profit

Some of GeoEngineers’ Boston environmental staff have teamed up with an environmental justice non-profit to support the development of a riverside park in Chelsea, Massachusetts—and they’re doing it for free!

The new park is being developed by GreenRoots, a local organization advocating for environmental justice for low-income communities in Chelsea, MA, and the surrounding area. GreenRoots plans to turn an undeveloped riverside site into a natural park that will benefit the community in many ways. The park will connect an existing children’s park and bike path and give locals easy access to natural greenspace. The site is also next door to a medical facility that offers physical therapy, so project planners expect patients to use the space during their recovery.

Principal Environmental Scientist Sue Bator first connected with GreenRoots following a presentation at a Licensed Site Professionals Association (LSPA) meeting. (LSPs are environmental specialists licensed by Massachusetts’ Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals.) During the presentation, GreenRoots’ executive director mentioned the new park project and expressed a need for donated environmental work. Sue jumped at the chance to help, and now Pat Malone, Ally Suding, Bailey Dupont, Virginia Trudel and Matt McGavick are also involved. As environmental professionals, they know better than most how pollution and other threats disproportionately affect low-income communities.

“Unfortunately, a lot of the people affected by contaminated sites don’t really have a voice or agency,” Ally says, “so being able to help them out is very rewarding.”

GeoEngineers’ field staff are donating their time on the project through GeoEngineers’ unique Day of Giving Program, which challenges employees to get involved with causes they care about in their own communities.

“I think it’s awesome,” Sue says. “In general, we’re very fortunate here at GeoEngineers. When I look at my life, I don’t really have anything to complain about, so I love the fact that the company looks to positively impact other people who may not be as privileged.”

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