GeoEngineers Among Top 200 U.S Design Firms

Engineering News Record (ENR) recently published their annual list of the top 500 design firms in the country by revenue. GeoEngineers’ ranking at 197 represents a significant jump from last year when we were ranked 220. The list includes a wide variety of firms that offer design services, including architectural and civil engineering firms.

Geoprofessional firms like GeoEngineers, which focus on geotechnical engineering, environmental, natural resources and planning, make up about 15 percent of the ENR Top 500 list. Of these firms, GeoEngineers ranks among the largest in the country.

According to ENR, total revenues ($92.69 billion) for the top 500 firms were up slightly for the third straight year, suggesting that the industry is rebounding in tandem with the national overall economy.

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