GeoEngineers Among Several Firms Recognized for Exceptional Safety Performance

GeoEngineers was recently among several firms recognized at an awards ceremony celebrating a total of 750,000 hours worked without a loss-time injury on the GARVEE Transportation Program in Idaho.

The $988 million GARVEE Transportation Program is a funding initiative that uses Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle (GARVEE) bonds to fund critical transportation improvements throughout the state. The program is managed by Connecting Idaho Partners, a joint venture between URS and CH2M Hill, on behalf of the Idaho Transportation Department.

Currently the GARVEE program funds improvements for six corridors, each of which includes multiple projects. GeoEngineers, as a member of the Parametrix design team, received an award for its work on the Interstate 84 Meridian Road Interchange project that is a part of the I-84 Caldwell to Meridian corridor. The corridor provides a vital link between Canyon County and Ada County for both commuters and freight, and carries the highest volume of traffic in the region. GeoEngineers has worked more than 2,200 hours on the project without a loss-time injury, and more than 8,000 hours overall on GARVEE Transportation Program projects.

“Safety is a high priority for all of us at GeoEngineers. One of our biggest goals is for everyone to get home safe every day,” said GeoEngineers Corporate Health and Safety Manager Wayne Adams. “We recently implemented the STOP for Safety program to further our efforts toward that goal. Congratulations to the GARVEE Transportation Program team on their hard work and attention to safety during this project.”

URS Corporation and CH2M Hill each presented their safety milestone awards to the Connecting Idaho Partners team, which later recognized several design teams, including GeoEngineers, for completing their projects in less than a year.

“This project had a compressed scheduled that involved field work around the clock starting in January with daytime temperatures below freezing and nighttime temperatures near zero degrees,” said GeoEngineers Principal Geotechnical Engineer Paul Wasser, project manager of the I-84 Meridian Road Interchange project. “Despite the compressed schedule, safety was always our primary concern. It is great to be recognized by CIP for our hard work in meeting this challenging schedule as part of this overall GARVEE program safety milestone.”

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