Pipeline Webinar Episode 9: Everything Old is New Again
Advancements in Hydraulic Fracture Analysis for HDD Applications with Dr. Ian Moore
Join us in a discussion on how cavity expansion theory originally developed in the 1960s sheds light on which models/equations should be used to estimate the maximum allowable annular drilling fluid pressures before hydrofracture or blowout will occur during horizontal directional drilling (HDD) operations.
There have been numerous equations and models that have been developed for evaluating the risk of hydraulic fracture including the most widely known Delft equation. We will discuss how the Delft equation is used for evaluating hydraulic fracture potential in coarse grained soils. Queen’s University has also presented alternative solutions for evaluating hydraulic fracture potential in fine grained (clay) soils.
Special Guest Dr. Ian Moore of Queen’s University will join us as we dive into the latest advancements. Dr. Moore is a leading researcher in the field of trenchless technology and in particular hydraulic fracture analysis, and a Professor and Head Research Director for the Civil Engineering department at the GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada.
SEPTEMBER 27, 2023 AT 1:00 PM (CST)
Presenter: Trevor Hoyles, PE, Principal Engineer
Moderator: Mark Miller, PE, Principal Engineer
Special Guest: Dr. Ian Moore, PhD, PEng, Queen’s University