The Dirt Podcast: Swamp Buggy in Scriber Creek

Take a trip into a wetland to hear about an unusual drilling rig in the latest episode of The Dirt Podcast. Tim Bailey and his team used the swamp buggy, an amphibious drilling vehicle, to stage a geotechnical drilling investigation in the Scriber Creek Wetland, north of Seattle. It’s part of Sound Transit’s Lynnwood Link […]

David Sauls Named to LSU Engineering Hall of Distinction

On May 2, the LSU Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering inducted Senior Principal David Sauls into its Hall of Distinction. Each year since 1979, the school has selected two engineers to recognize for their significant contributions to the profession. “I am so grateful to my family, friends and talented partners for this honor,” Sauls […]

SR 520 Bridge is ACEC’s Project of The Year

The SR 520 Floating Bridge in Seattle, Washington, won the American Council of Engineering Companies’ (ACEC) “Grand Conceptor” award, marking it as the year’s most impressive engineering project in the United States. GeoEngineers played a critical role on the Kiewit/General/Manson Joint Venture construction team, providing geotechnical consulting, design and construction support. Stretching 1.5 miles across Lake […]

Metro Parks Tacoma and GeoEngineers Host Largest Hackathon in South Sound

This weekend, Metro Parks Tacoma held a “hackathon” in an effort to harness technology to better connect Tacoma residents with local parks. Metro Parks is an independent government agency overseeing parks and park services in the Tacoma, Washington area. It partnered with local companies and organizations, including GeoEngineers Inc. and the University of Washington Tacoma, […]

Permanent Canal Closures and Pumps Project Wins Washington ACEC Award

The Washington State Chapter of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) recognized GeoEngineers, and project partners PND Engineers, with a Silver Award for work on the Permanent Canal Closure and Pumps Project (PCCP) in New Orleans, LA. This uniquely challenging project included the deepest excavation in New Orleans history, and will play a vital […]

Trenchless Work Ranked 20th in Nation

Trenchless Technology magazine included GeoEngineers Inc. on its list of the Top 50 Trenchless Design Firms of 2016, making this the ninth consecutive year the firm has been ranked among the top 25 trenchless firms in the country. GeoEngineers continued to move up the ranking, from 21st to 20th place in terms of total reported […]

GeoEngineers Participates in College Mentoring Event

Gary Pendergrass, a principal in our Springfield office, recently attended a mentor luncheon at Missouri State University to interact with students and give them perspective on their future careers. The event was sponsored by the Geography, Geology & Planning Department, and attracted more than 35 students. Gary was one of the ten industry professionals invited […]

Charlie Eustis, PE, Inducted into ASCE’s Wall of Fame

The American Society of Professional Engineers (ASCE) Louisiana Section selected Charlie Eustis to receive their prestigious Wall of Fame Award. The award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding lifetime contributions to the civil engineering profession in the Louisiana region. The ASCE inducts four candidates each year who meet this high standard. This is the latest in […]

GeoEngineers Ranked Best Place to Work in Baton Rouge

The Baton Rouge Business Report ranked GeoEngineers as the best large company to work for in Baton Rouge. The magazine highlights GeoEngineers’ employee wellness program, performance recognition, emphasis on safety, a relaxed and creative office culture, broad stock ownership, profit-sharing, management style, and the freedom given to every employee to grow and excel. GeoEngineers improved […]

GeoEngineers Ranked 17th Largest Firm in Baton Rouge

The Greater Baton Rouge Business Report ranked GeoEngineers as the 17th largest engineering firm in the Baton Rouge area based on the number of licensed professional engineers. With a total of 15 local professional engineers (PEs) or engineers in training (EITs), GeoEngineers’ place on the list demonstrates the professional development of the Baton Rouge office […]

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