
Industry perspectives, features and technical commentary from GeoEngineers’ experts.

Creating Remarkable Neighborhoods

At GeoEngineers, I have been very fortunate to be involved with a tremendous partnership of firms who have collaborated over the past ten years on two redevelopment projects that have significantly transformed the look and feel of the White Center area of Seattle. The projects are King County Housing Authority’s “Greenbridge” and “Seola Gardens.” These […]


One way to think about stress is simply load divided by area. This is an interesting concept to consider with regards to emotional health. But what about engineering? In the physical world and built environment, stress is all around us. That’s bad, right? Maybe not. Stress may be handled without deformation or failure if sufficient […]

What to Do with Carbon?

On February 20, 2012, drilling commenced on a deep exploratory borehole at the sprawling 30,000-acre Thomas Hill Energy Center in north-central Missouri. The deep borehole, the second of four that are being drilled at Missouri power plant sites, will extend into the Pre-Cambrian granite and, at a projected depth of 3,500 feet, will be among […]

How to Get the Most from Your Consultant

If I were to hire me, here are a few things that I would keep in mind. Most engineers accumulate charges on an hourly basis. Sucessful project budgets typically have a reasonable time line, and not a lot of delays or drawn out schedule. More time usually equals more charges. Who do you interact best with in […]


I have really enjoyed my yard this year. It might have something to do with the lemon tree, fig tree, pomegranate tree, and several types of orange trees that are thriving and providing us with good healthy eats. We also have an area with bamboo shoots and several large flowering bushes/trees (hibiscus, wisteria, azaleas and jacaranda) that […]

Are You Prepared for Winter?

By Shaun Stauffer The rains are here in the Pacific Northwest. Are you prepared? Rain and runoff can cause serious property damage if not properly controlled. While the following tips won’t protect you from heavy flooding, they will help you protect your property under normal conditions: Check that your roof drains and downspouts are clear of […]

Direct Pipe™ Driving Innovation in Trenchless Technology

GeoEngineers recently suggested that one of our long-time energy market clients consider Direct Pipe™ (DP) for a difficult interstate highway pipeline crossing. DP is essentially a curved or directional microtunnel that utilizes proprietary equipment developed by Herrenknecht Tunneling Systems in Germany. Less than 20 of these installations have been made in the world (most of these in […]

Steel Mill Slag At Your Construction Site?

If you have a critical structure that is supported on or above steel mill slag, be aware that the structure may experience significant differential movement problems for years after completion of construction. Great care should be taken if steel mill slag is being considered for use as structural fill for construction projects. Slag is a […]

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