Matt Herzel

Senior Writer/Producer

The power of marketing is the ability to bring people together to start a conversation, and I’m thrilled to be able to make those introductions.


  • 2015


  • Seattle, WA


  • Marketing

Matt looks after the written portion of company-wide marketing and communications. He manages content on, produces videos featuring projects, handles internal communications, runs social media channels, supports marketing and business development initiatives, and writes articles for the website and other external outlets. Simply put, he tells GeoEngineers’ stories.

“I love learning, and I find that curiosity and a desire to learn is foundational to all good communicators,” Matt says. “I get to learn about the technical aspects of our work at GeoEngineers, identify the key messages, and then craft a campaign, story, or ad that will help others understand and relate to the fantastic work we do.”

Coming from a non-profit fundraising background, Matt understands the power of effective marketing and communications to connect with and motivate people toward action. In the for-profit world of professional consulting connecting with people still remains central.

“Our business still relies heavily on interpersonal connection and relationship,” Matt says. “The power of marketing is the ability to bring people together to start a conversation, and I’m thrilled to be able to make those introductions.”

Outside of the office Matt enjoys hiking, camping and spending time in nature. He loves traveling and exploring new places with his wife, and is always ready to chat about philosophy and the deep questions of life over a good brew.

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