Lexi Lou Waggoner

Junior Expression Officer

I’m at work and I’m wearing pants, what more do you want?


  • Tacoma, WA

As our Junior Expression Officer, Lexi excels at communication and is well-known for her honesty and straight-forward attitude. She’ll let you know exactly how she feels, at a pitch and volume you won’t have any trouble understanding.

But Lexi doesn’t just use her voice to express herself. Lexi and her best friend Senior Geologist Aaron Waggoner have developed a unique communication system using Lexi’s hairstyles. “I cut Lexi’s hair in phases because that’s what she tolerates,” Aaron says. “She lets me know when she’s ready to pause and explore her inner self.” From Lexi’s inability to sit still and stop wiggling around for 10 minutes, Lexi Levels (or Lexels) was born.

Lexi has inspired others in the GeoEngineers Tacoma office to find their voices. Graphic Designer Stephanie Pride, having lost her best friend and Barketing teammate Juniper Pride, was looking for a way to express herself beyond the standard water cooler chatter when she learned about the Lexels system. “People are always asking ‘how are you?’ and sometimes ‘I’m good, how are you?’ doesn’t really hit the right note. Expressing myself using Lexels just makes sense,” Stephanie says.

While Lexels might not catch on in every GeoEngineers office, she hopes it helps Tacoma staff members express how they feel, because she believes that it’s okay to not be okay, and it’s important to talk about your feelings (or howl, if that comes easier to you).

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