Natural Resources & Environment

River and Stream Science

Over the last 25 years, stream and river restoration has evolved from adding simple log and rock structures to designing more comprehensive channel and floodplain interactions on wider scales. To address these complex challenges, GeoEngineers offers in-house technical resources, including fish biology, hydrology, geomorphology and other river-related specialties. When needed, our River Team can also call on a talented pool of dozens of geotechnical, groundwater and regulatory permitting specialists from across our company that have deep experience working in riverine environments. These resources give us the flexibility to build integrated teams with the technical skills to deliver results on your project, and the scale to fit your budget.

Environmental Remediation

When working with delicate ecosystems, threatened species and valuable infrastructure, we understand that a lot is on the line. When a river system is impacted by contamination, our team considers each variable to arrive at the most effective, remediation plan by integrating upland, waterfront and in-water remediation solutions.

Habitat Restoration

GeoEngineers specializes in restoring entire regions of river habitat. An interdisciplinary approach underpinned by fluvial geomorphology, ecology and biology allows us to use new channels, riparian vegetation and other features to create ideal habitats for fish and other species.

Channel Design and Modeling

We use sophisticated tools like the Habitat Optimization Model for Ecosystems (HOME) modeling tool, which we developed in-house, to map and predict the effects of channel placement on the long-term health of the river habitat.

Bank Stabilization/Slope Stability

Our geotechnical expertise can come into play in the design of bank stabilization solutions that perform efficiently. Riparian vegetation can pull double-duty by improving slope stability and enhancing the river habitat.

Culvert Design/Fish Passage

GeoEngineers integrates geotechnical engineering and design with ecological and hydrologic expertise to protect sensitive fish populations in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Many stream crossings include small culverts or other infrastructure that can accelerate water flow and effectively block fish like salmon and steelhead from accessing upstream spawning and rearing habitat. GeoEngineers is working with large state agencies like the Washington State Department of Transportation, county governments and local municipalities to replace these crossings with fish-friendly designs. As a multi-disciplinary consulting firm with fish biologists, water resource engineers, hydrologists and geotechnical engineers, GeoEngineers has the right mix of experience and expertise to design sustainable, fish-friendly stream crossings. Over the past decade GeoEngineers has performed fish passage barrier removal work across Western and Central Washington—and developed relationships with important stakeholders like the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife along the way. GeoEngineers helped set the bar for culverts and fish habitat by crafting many of Washington’s official fish passage standards. More than a decade of fish passage barrier removal and habitat enhancement work has taught us how to efficiently and sustainably help our clients meet their design requirements—and revitalize fish populations in the process.

Sediment Transport

Being able to measure and predict sediment transport is an important component of repairing river systems. By anticipating shifting channels and the movement of sediment over time, our experts can build self-sustaining ecosystems which will maintain themselves and evolve naturally.

Biological Assessments

Our fishery experts evaluate the impact of in-river construction and other activities on protected fish populations. These assessments help our clients stay compliant with federal and state regulations, and preserve our natural resources.

Watershed Assessments

Our comprehensive watershed assessments evaluate the overall health of a watershed and identify critical resources and potential issues for counties, cities, and water management agencies.

Regulatory Compliance

We help ensure your river or stream project stays compliant, and coordinate conversations between the public and the many stakeholders typically involved in these projects. Our permitting support includes critical areas ordinances, EIS, NPDES and state discharge, dangerous/hazardous waste, NEPA/SEPA, FERC compliance, BPA HIP III, environmental site assessments, fisheries and hydraulic projects, water rights, and water quality permitting.


In urban environments and other places where natural river channels may not be possible, GeoEngineers provides dredging design and permitting services to maintain the flood conveyance and overall health of rivers and channels and the fish that live in them.

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