GeoEngineers Puts Whales on the Map – Literally

GeoEngineers’ technology team created an interactive whale-tracking map of the waters surrounding Hawaii that has received national attention this past week, including being named WIRED magazine’s “Science Graphic of the Week.” Other publications such as Huffington Post, Gizmodo, Fast Company, and local Hawaiian news channel KITV have done stories about the map, calling it “hypnotically beautiful.”

The map was a side project of GeoEngineers technology development team. They created it by plugging whale-migration data from Cascadia Research into their technology framework for environmental data visualization they built for products such as AvianAudit, which helps electrical utilities and agencies create reports by tracking bird strikes and mortalities.

“Even just a few years ago, this is a technology that wasn’t available to us,” said Blair Deaver, GeoEngineers’ software product manager. “Using modern web technologies such as HTML 5 coupled with cloud-based software solutions, we now have the ability to easily create online visualizations for a wide range of data types, from bird migrations to soil conditions. Making data come to life is at the heart of what our earth science and engineering experts do best at GeoEngineers.”

In addition to software solutions and custom applications, GeoEngineers’ technology team offers technology-consulting services for enterprise IT and GIS strategic planning. To learn how they can help your agency or business, contact GeoEngineers.

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