Brittany Waite


Staff Environmental Engineer

I want to make our Earth a safer, healthier, and more enjoyable home. By equipping areas with clean water and fresh air, we can encouraging the creation of communities with loving arms and a safe environment. This vision provides motivation and fulfillment in my daily work.


  • 2021


  • Seattle, WA


Brittany spends a lot of her time in the field sampling soil and groundwater for analysis. Accurate data is the foundation of all of GeoEngineers’ projects, and Brittany helps us get our environmental characterization right. With data in hand, our team can design unique remediation strategies for each site.

“I wanted to combine my interest in caring for the environment with my analytical and creative skills—that’s why I decided to pursue environmental engineering,” Brittany says.

We met Brittany just after she completed a Master of Environmental Engineering degree at Oregon State University in 2021. She was attracted to the friendly people she met at GeoEngineers, and the interesting field work she’d be doing every day.

“I have always enjoyed the outdoors, and so I love being able to directly clean up the areas that I enjoy,” Brittany says.

Brittany likes hiking with her dog Harley, reading books, and delving deep into philosophical conversations. She’s also a fan of personality typology systems like Myers Briggs or the enneagram, and loves geeking out over them with friends.

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