Chris Breemer


Environmental Discipline Lead, Principal Geologist

One of the most satisfying parts of my job is helping clients to understand seemingly complex problems, and working with them to develop sensible and effective solutions.


  • 2021


  • Portland, OR

Environmental projects are infinitely variable, and Chris has seen it all during his career. He works on a wide range of environmental issues, including brownfield remediation and development, environmental due diligence, and stormwater and wastewater compliance. Chris also works with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and many state agencies on a wide-range of short and long-term remediation projects like the Portland Harbor Superfund Site. He understands the complex web of state and federal environmental regulations facing our clients, especially in Oregon and Washington, and helps guide them through the process—one project at a time.

“I find it really satisfying to boil down a complex problem to a few simple concepts that clients can use to make informed decisions,” Chris explains.

Client relationships and project management are a big part of Chris’ responsibilities as principal. He enjoys managing the intertwined personal and technical aspects of his job and knows that success requires investment in both. He also manages multi-year environmental service contracts with local and state agencies and maintains a large due diligence portfolio.

When he can, Chris likes to enjoy the wild places he helps to protect and restore. He loves mountaineering, riding mountain bikes, and any chance to explore new places here or abroad with his family.

  • Evaluation of Background Metals in Oregon Soil – Presentation at Northwest Environmental Conference
  • NPDES 1200-Z Permit Compliance Pitfalls – Presentation at NEBC Stormwater Conference
  • Old Mill District, Bend, Oregon Mobile Workshop – 2016 Oregon Brownfield Conference

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